Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Answers for 30 questions pt.1

1.  What is the ratio of men and women in the workplace?

According to a 2016 survey by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the male-to-female ratio of salespeople was 83.6% male and 16.4% female.

Furthermore, according to a study conducted by Hokkaido University, the percentage of female clerical job workers was 60.2%, while the percentage of female service occupations workers was 68.2%.


平成28年 労働力調査年報. (n.d.). 独立行政法人労働政策研究・研修機構.

*It is from Japanese government organization called "独立行政法人労働政策研究・研修機構".

駒川 智子. (2023). 男女別にみる事務職の数的特徴 : 「賃金構造基本統計調査」からの分析. 北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要, 142, 73–83.

*It's a report from Hokkaido University.

2. What percentage of women are employed?

According to the White Paper on Gender Equality by the Japanese government in 2023, the employment rate by gender is around 80% for women and around 90% for men.

However the percentage of non-regular employment was 31.4% for those aged 23 to 34, 48.4% for those aged 35 to 44, and 54.9 percent for those aged 45 to 54.

This suggests that although the employment rate of women is increasing in all ages, the rate of women in non-regular employment tends to rise with age.


The White Paper on Gender Equality 2023. (2023). Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office.

*The information is from Japanese government office called "Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office."

3. What is the ratio of female managers in Japanese companies?

According to the results of the "Basic Survey on Equal Employment" released by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, in 2022, the percentage of women in management positions is 12.7%.


管理職に占める女性の割合が12.7%で前回調査からわずかに上昇. (2023, October). 独立行政法人労働政策研究・研修機構.

*It is from Japanese government organization called "独立行政法人労働政策研究・研修機構".

Written by Shioppy

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