Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Remote work / Work life balance Word Clouds 

posted by manu

This word cloud was created using an article written by the CEO of Walmart, Suresh Kumar. His overall view on remote work was positive and he mainly focused on praising his company's ability to adapt to a new technological way of working.
Some of the words you can see are "best", "greatest", "future", "virtually", "oppourtunity" and "technology".
As you can see the words being used in the article were noticeably positive.

Kumar, S. (2020, May 28). Reimagining our way of working, and the role of our workspace in technology

      This word cloud shows words such as "2022" "expectations" "wellbeing" "burnouts" and "Slack".
Since this was created from a nagative stand point towards remote work, it can be observed that these words have nagative implications.
For example, "Slack" is the name of a messaging system used in offices that are criticized for keeping employees busy with having to reply to their colleagues even outside of work. 
And since the article was written in 2022, it can be assumed that the article was written in hindsight from people who experienced remote work during the pandemic.
 Tsipursky, G. (2022, November 2). Does remote work hurt wellbeing and Work-Life balance? Forbes

1 comment:

  1. You made an excellent comparison of the points of view of the two articles, as illustrated by the word clouds that clearly showed the differences in emphasis and opinion. I noticed that the site is fully operational now. It's too bad that some of its key features weren't working during our class last week. Please try it now.


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